We are thrilled to bring to you a free webcast co-hosted and sponsored by Everyone Social. Eric Roach, the CEO and Co-Founder of Everyone Social will be joining us to discuss Employee Brand Advocacy 101. I will be co-hosting this event with Eric, who has a simply amazing background. Prior to founding Everyone Social Eric's work included leading Elance Inc. as the CEO and running marketing at Morgan Stanley as Executive Vice President.

This webcast is part of the Power Up Your Brand conversation and educational series we are doing in partnership with Everyone Social. Over the course of the next few months we are inviting you on our journey to explore and learn how to build, execute and tap into the power of employee brand advocacy programs to ignite your employees, customers, community and business results!

Join the Conversation:


CEO and Co-Founder Everyone Social

CEO and Co-Founder Everyone Social

On the Employee Brand Advocacy 101 webcast you will learn: 

  • What is an employee brand advocacy program.
  • Why employee brand advocacy programs are worth the investment.
  • How to get started developing an employee brand advocacy program


employee brand advocacy social business webcast everyone socialHow to join the conversation and tap into the power of your employees to power up your brand!

  1. Register for the webcast scheduled for October 15th at 1pm et!
  2. Download the EveryoneSocial white paper outlining 9 Steps to Develop an Employee Brand Advocate Program
  3. Listen to the podcast to learn why employee brand advocate programs drive results.
  4. Review the highlights of the #GetRealChat Twitter chat that rocked the Twitter waves October 7th

You can also follow the conversation using the hashtags #SocialZoomFactor and #GetRealChat

Check out this episode of the Social Zoom Factor podcast to learn why you should consider an employee advocate program to quickly power up your brand and business results!

Podcast Episode Highlights

  • How to join the conversation and upcoming events to help you build your own employee brand advocacy program
  • Why you should consider an employee brand advocacy program
  • Compelling industry statistics validating the trends and power of employee brand advocates
  • Key performance indicators influenced by employee brand advocate programs

Supporting Resources:

social zoom factor podcast

How to Subscribe to Social Zoom Factor Podcast