event marketing roi networking real time


If you are attending live in person industry and networking events or trade shows, you are likely investing a decent amount of both money and time.

How can you maximize your ROI for the time and money spent? Time is one of our greatest assets and using it wisely is key to success in business and happiness in life.

Take a listen to the 110th episode of the Social Zoom Factor podcast to hear my top 5 ways you can increase your event ROI with social media and networking, before, during and after the event. Included are numerous examples of how I personally maximize time at events including two events recently attended and spoke at, the Adobe Summit and Social Media Marketing World, 2015.

In this 30 minute podcast you will learn: 

  • 5 Tips to maximize ROI at in person events
  • How to set goals and objectives for attending an event
  • Why pre-event planning is key to maximizing your time invested
  • Tapping into private social networking groups such as Facebook and LinkedIn
  • Importance of researching events on the front and back end of the main event that you can attend
  • Reaching out and connecting to speakers, organizers and attendees via Twitter and other social networks pre-event
  • Creating Twitter and other lists to keep track of contacts
  • Importance of not being shy and reaching out to people you may not know prior to event
  • Making your list of people you want to meet
  • Why event halls are magical for networking
  • The importance of being in the moment, vs having your head stuck in your phone
  • Capturing the moments real time via visual marketing and live streaming
  • Prioritizing networking event opportunities
  • Post event networking opportunities
  • Maximizing visual marketing to keep the conversations going post event

Take a listen and be sure to subscribe to the entire series on iTunesStitcher or SoundCloud!

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How to Subscribe to Social Zoom Factor Podcast social zoom factor podcast