Triberr is a platform that brings together smart, savvy and talented content producers. From bloggers, podcasters, video stars to lovers of technology, food, business, horses and cars. It’s a mini social network that helps content creators amplify their content, earn trust, establish thought leadership, find new bloggers and build community.
Using Triberr effectively is both art and science. There are some who use Triberr for self serving reasons and/or are using it to blast noise to an already crowded, noisy online world. However, there are even more people who are using it to find great content, provide their audience with valuable content, learning the perspective of others, establish trust and credibility and the list goes on.
We have had great success in using Triberr for the past few years to successfully grow our online brand, establish trust with our audiences, consistently provide value to our readers and listeners and most importantly grow our business.
Take a listen to the 126th episode of the Social Zoom Factor podcast to learn exactly how I use Triberr. I also share the fun story of how I got started with Triberr and my first conversation with the founder, Dino Dogan that changed my perspective toward sharing other people’s content in big ways!
In this 15 minute podcast you will learn
- Why I love using Triberr
- How I got started with Triberr
- How to use Triberr to establish trust and authority
- How to use Triberr to grow your brand awareness and audience
- The importance of opening your mind to other perspectives
- Why creating epic content that inspires, educates and informs your audience is key to success with Triberr and business in general
- How I choose what content I share via Triberr
- Why I don’t believe in simply sharing content via Triberr for the only reason to get shares of your content
- How Triberr can provide your audience with amazing, fresh content with varied perspectives
- Why you must care about the quality of content you share from others
Take a listen to the 126th episode of the Social Zoom Factor podcast to learn how Triberr can help you not only amplify your content, but also earn trust, establish credibility, thought leadership and nurture relationships and community.
Be sure to subscribe to the entire series on iTunes, Stitcher or SoundCloud!
Supporting Resources:
- Triberr
- How to Tap into Power of the OPC – Other People's Content & Community (episode 44)
- 10 Reasons Your Blog Sucks & How to Fix it (podcast + blog post)
- 10 Ways to Monetize Your Blog & Digital Platform (episode 116)
- Google Mobile Friendly Update in a Nutshell (episode 117)
- 10 Reasons Digital Marketers Must Embrace Data & Analytics (episode 113)
- How to Get Your Social Marketing Budget Approved (episode 3)
- 10 Google Analytics to Zoom Your Social Media, Blog and Business (episode 106)
- You Are the Media: 10 Reasons You Need a Blog (episode 111)
- 5 Tips to Zoom Your Brand (white paper)
- Audience Analysis Worksheet
- 8 Steps to Develop a Social Business Plan (white paper)
How to Subscribe to Social Zoom Factor Podcast