Do you ever feel like you are running up against brick wall, obstacle after obstacle when it comes to trying to get people on board with your social media, digital marketing or social business plan?
Do you feel as if nobody around you “gets it?” Or that the people around you might be just stupid or clueless?
Smart, social savvy marketers who at the heart are innovators and change makers often feel a deep sense of frustration when trying to get their management, board members, direct team, partners and clients on board with where they want to take them in adoption of new media, technology and improved processes. These marketers know that there is benefit in tapping into the power of this new ecosystem of the constantly connected customer and 24/7 online environment has to offer. However, getting buy-in across their organization and even with outside clients and partners is more than challenging.
There is a solution. Change agents don't just dictate change. They must embrace the reasons people want or don't want to change. They must facilitate discussions, educate, earn respect and obtain buy-in, even from some of the least supportive team members and executive managers.
Change agents do not ignite transformational change by preaching, yelling & banging tables. They don't inspire their management to adopt new media by yelling about it on Periscope or a Google Hangout. Instead they must understand the people. They must understand where they are, why they are where they are and how they can emotionally motivate them to move the needle in the right direction.
As a first step as this relates to the adoption of new media and technology it is important for marketers and change agents to understand where their team, management, customers and partners are in regard to the adoption of technology. Are they innovators and technology enthusiasts who will willingly embrace new technology and ways of doing business? Or are they more conservative or even skeptics?
If you walk into an office of a skeptic trying to sell him or her on the why he or she needs to approve your latest plan and budget because you will be first to market, and will be breaking new ground in your industry, you are likely to get kicked out to the curb. This may work with a tech enthusiast and early adopter, but not the laggards and skeptics.
Take a listen to the 133rd episode of the Social Zoom Factor podcast for a quick yet informative dive into the Geoffrey Moore Technology Adoption Lifecycle. We explore why you need to make this model your best friend to help you win the hearts, minds and support of the people you need to get on board with your plan and strategies! This is a must do for any marketer or business leader working in technology today.
Be sure to subscribe to the entire series on iTunes, Stitcher or SoundCloud!
In this 25 minute podcast you will learn:
- Overview of the Geoffrey Moore Technology Adoption Lifecycle
- History of the Technology Adoption Lifecycle and how it started in the farming industry, 1957
- Why smart marketers must understand the technology adoption lifecycle
- The importance of taking time to understand where people are in adoption of technology and why
- How to best communicate with innovators, tech enthusiasts, pragmatists, laggards, skeptics and everything in between
Supporting Resources:
- How to Get Your Social Media Budget Approved (white paper)
- How to Get Your Social Marketing Budget Approved (episode 3)
- Digital Marketing Leaders Must Lead and Learn to Say No (episode 114)
- 10 Business Reasons Marketers Must Embrace Data and Analytics (episode 113)
- 10 Tips to Stomp Random Acts of Marketing (RAMs) – White Paper
- 10 Google Analytics to Zoom Your Social Media, Blog and Business (episode 106)
- You Are the Media: 10 Reasons You Need a Blog (episode 111)
- 15 Tips to Zoom Your Brand (white paper)
- Audience Analysis Worksheet
- Steps to Develop a Social Business Plan (white paper)