We wake up in the morning, one eye open and grab our mobile device. How do I know you do such? Because 90% of people have their mobile device within arms reach 100% of the time.
Even though you may not want to admit it, chances are you have at minimum a slight addiction to technology, shiny objects, Twitter birds and social networks of any and all flavors. If you don't, congratulations as you are likely in the minority if you are reading this blog post and listening to this podcast!
We subscribe to podcasts on iTunes and blog posts via RSS feeds. We open up our email programs via mobile devices in bed. We then hop to Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn to see what's happening in our world of change.
At the core the biggest question is what exactly are we addicted to? Is it the technology, access to information or fear of missing out? Maybe it's the connection with human beings? Or maybe all of the above and more?
The only guarantee in life and business is change
There is hardly a day that goes by that we don't wake up trying to catch up from what changed overnight. Just as soon as you think you figure out the latest Facebook algorithm, it changes on you.
Many business and marketing leaders worry, freak out and even throw temper tantrums when they find out the landscape underneath their feet has changed yet again. Why do they go into freak out mode? Because they have put all of their social eggs in a basket they don't own!
Relationships are the life raft to social media, technology and business change.
Putting all of your social, technology and / or business eggs in a social network basket you don’t own is high risk.
The truth is that instead of worrying so much about the technology, bits and bytes we should be focused on relationships. It is relationships that are going to help you weather the storm. It's relationships built on trust that will carry you and your community to the next big thing. Instead of worrying about the newest shiny object and the next big thing, try focusing on today. Try focusing on delivering the highest value possible to each and every human being within your current community.
In this episode of the Social Zoom Factor podcast I share with you why you must shift focus to the art as much or more than the science of social media.
I share with you 10 tips to determine if your social life raft is ready to help you weather the technology evolution storm. Are you ready for the sea of change? Can your relationships endure the crashing waves of change?
Episode Highlights
- 10 Tips to determine if your social life raft can weather the storm of technology changes
- Why relationships are the foundation of technology evolution
- Why you must quit building an empire and start building a community of value
- Why you must stop putting all of your eggs in a social network basket you don't own
- The importance of owning your own social home base
- The importance of investing in human beings within your community at a personal level
- How to humanize your brand for short and long term benefits
Resources mentioned:
- 10 Tips to Stomp Random Acts of Marketing White Paper
- Brand Humanization Series – Talk Human to Me
- Social Media Audience Analysis Worksheet (Based on the Forrester POST Methodology)
- Brand Humanization in a NutShell (podcast)