When we are lucky, weekends are a time for us all to enjoy some down time with family and friends. Regardless of your role; business leader in corporate, an entrepreneur, small business owner, intern or worker bee… it is easy for us to lose track of why we are doing what we do.
Most people decide on a career for specific reasons. It usually involves a better or different lifestyle, time with friends or ability to help those in need. However, often times we get so busy and caught up in the moment we forget what really matters.
I think with social media it is really easy to get carried away with tweets and twits, posts, fan pages, opt-in boxes, widgets, affiliate programs and more. We often lose track of why we are doing them in the first place.
This weekend I turned off the computer. I took the time to hang with the kiddos, the hubby and friends. I am taking the time to inhale our original vision. Time to appreciate the success we have had to date and relax knowing we've accomplished a lot. Yes, we have much work ahead. However, it is important to take credit for the big and little successes you can cross off your list. Regardless of if you cross them off as a lesson learned or a task executed to full completion, it's a task done. It's something that has made you, your business and you will learn from. If you win or fail doesn't matter if you don't enjoy the ride!
It's not about how many twitter followers we have, how many subscribers we have that matters. Instead it is how we execute on our vision. What is it you want to do and why? It is the why that matters more than anything. If you are spinning your wheels to enjoy more time off, are you permitting yourself to do such?
Are you getting caught up in the analytics of the moment? The number of Facebook “likes” or fans you have? Or are you taking the time to enjoy your new role as an entrepreneur and small business leader?
If you are out of a job is it really going to make a difference if you spend Sunday searching for one? Or might you be better off taking some down time to clear your mind so you can write your job prospecting emails with more relevance, direction and focus?
I challenge us all to “Take a Weekend!” Take the time to do what you want. If what you are working on this Sunday afternoon is going to be there Monday morning then can't it wait until at least 9:00 pm tonight after your kids go to bed?
Well, I know mine can. So I am off to enjoy my weekend and celebrate my life as an entrepreneur.
I hope you will do the same… NOW!