I love how many entrepreneurs are popping up these days. I believe the down economy is spurring some great businesses.
A recent report from Kaufman Foundation for Entrepreneurship provides an insight into what makes entrepreneurs tick in their recent “Anatomy of an Entrepreneur“.
Some interesting facts:
1. Only 4.5% state inability to find traditional employment as motivator. 80.3% state inability to find employment is not a factor at all.
2. Average age when starting biz = 40.
3. Likely to come from middle to upper-lower class background. Few come from extreme wealth.
4. Well educated. Less than 5% have less than a bachelor's degree.
5. Better educated than parents.
6. 50%+ are 1st in family to launch biz.
7. Significantly more likely to be married with children when launching 1st biz.
8. Worked for an employer more than 6 years.
9. Primary motivations for launching biz are wealth, be own boss, and capitalize on biz idea they have.
10. Only 27.9% felt encouragement by a co-founder, entrepreneur friends or family members played an important part.
Wow… every one of these describes my co-founder and I. At minimum we seem to be in the “norm” for Entrepenreurs. What I am interested to know is has this data differed thru the years. Is it different in a down economy?
Coming from college straight to the “glory dot com” era I remember thinking…”wow this is great” and thought it would last forever.
I was quite fortunate as even though I landed at a couple dot BOMBS I managed to survive in both large and small organizations. At one company alone I survived 13+ layoffs! I acquired great skills and experience but still never felt 100% satisfied. I have always been a visionary person who knew where I wanted to go. I love to see my ideas come to fruition and drive great results. I guess my only regret is I didn't do it sooner.
What about you?? Are you an entrepreneur who fits the above profile? Or are you a corporate junkie who has considered leaving the secure corporate walls but hasn't yet had the guts?