Oh the memories of the holidays. The moments that make the memories. From the busy shopping to the eggnog, the neighborhood party, Christmas Eve Service, presents unwrapped Christmas morning to the crazy box of nuts you received from Uncle Albert.
What do we do to capture the memories? We take a photo with our iPhone or Android. Where do we go next? Facebook!
Why is the first memory pit stop Facebook? Because that's where our heart is. No matter how much we hate to admit it, you know it's true. It's where everyone from your favorite clients to the babysitter, neighbor, in-laws and even great grandma goes to see what's happening on your Christmas morning.
Even if you take the photos and post to Posterous, Daily Booth, Twitpic, Flickr or other, you also feed or post the most important family and Holiday photos and moments to Facebook.
It's where we post a “Happy Holidays” message and within almost seconds, our most special friends respond immediately with heart felt wishes right back.
I often ask the question of those in my community what social media network they would keep if they could keep just one. I usually answer that if I could only pick one it would be Twitter. I have written many blog posts on why I love Twitter etc.
However, if asked on Christmas Day what social network I would choose to keep, my answer might be a bit different. I have to admit I would have a very hard time giving up Facebook. For without Facebook where would I see the photos of my book publisher's kid with fake mustaches's or the service my friends attended in Plant City, or the wishes from Grandma and Papa all on one page? The answer is nowhere, no platform can compete to what Facebook offers me throughout the Holiday.
There are numerous people I have met on Twitter or LinkedIn and now on Christmas morning I feel pure joy seeing photos of their little ones, dogs waking the family up. I get to see a glimpse of their morning and their life. It's personal and it's business. Because business is about relationships. How fun is it come Monday morning to do business with people we have built authentic relationships with, shared Thanksgiving, shared the entire Holiday season and the list goes on! What starts on Twitter often grows even stronger on Facebook, then circles right back to Twitter on Monday morning. Gotta love it!
So when we see the news headlines and blog posts stating Facebook won't last, or that it's a waste of time, those of us who have invested in Facebook for life and business have to laugh. Won't last? I think I beg to differ. It will take a whole lot to pull the millions away from Facebook on Christmas Day. Even if you only log on for a few minutes, those minutes are priceless.
So as you venture off to enjoy the rest of your Holidays today, be thankful for those in your community. Be thankful we have a platform to share our blessings and greatest moments of life with. I know I am.
Happy Holidays to all who read this. Thank you to all of have helped me truly experience such great joy in sharing our lives together. I am thankful we have the social platforms that have enabled me to meet you, learn from you, learn about you, meet your family and become part of your community and life. I am blessed you are part of mine too!
p.s. This message by no means is communicating I am ready to give up Twitter. Good luck pulling that lil' blue bird from my marketing and life bag of tricks. For now, we'll leave that to another blog post.
Your Turn
What social media platform are you most leveraging to communicate and connect with those special to you in both life and business?