Stop the Spam Insanity! Let’s Put the Human Back in Social Media & Digital Marketing
2017-02-08T00:33:35-05:00It's time we put the human back in social media and stop the spam insanity. Attention is the most scarce resource digital marketers have.
It's time we put the human back in social media and stop the spam insanity. Attention is the most scarce resource digital marketers have.
Before you can sell to me, you need my attention and trust. Marketers to maximize every second they achieve attention from their audience.
Welcome to the digital age of marketing where you are the brand. You can run and hide but you can't escape the need to build your personal brand.
It's time you design the life you want. Design your business to help you achieve the life you want to live.
Real leaders pivot, embrace change to help their organization, team and themselves stay relevant. They empower their teams and lead the change with confidence.
If Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest or Snapchat were to drop off the face of the earth tomorrow what would happen to your business? Would your business be negatively impacted? Would it thrive or would it crumble under algorithm changes and paid media models being aggressively implemented by every social network that hits prime time.
Use these 10 tips to integrate social media into your product or business launch. Includes 5 foundational elements for success.,
What is the first thing that comes to mind when I ask you define social media? Is it Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Periscope, or Snapchat? You need to be where your ideal customer is, not just where you want to be or where you feel comfortable.
We need to shift 90% of time spent sifting through data, to decision making. We need to get better at pulling the needed data out more quickly and then spending the majority of the time understanding how it can help our business.
Smart digital marketers who know the value of an email list. They create epic and compelling content offers that inspire, educate, delight and help their ideal customer and audience solve their greatest problems. They earn their trust and email address. They are then able to more easily nurture relationships with a captured audience who WANTS to hear from them.
Business leaders and digital marketers all over the world are struggling every day with how to stay up to date on the latest trends, technology, social networks, methodologies and more. Even with the large number of people we see of embracing change and having a genuine desire to "be the change" as change agents, there is very little real change happening in regard to mindset.
Many brand and digital marketers are poorly confusing influencer marketing with earned media. Some of these marketers may be making innocent mistakes. However, some very well know the difference but are pretending that they don't. As a result they are negatively impacting their brand perception and damaging relationships with the people who they claim they want to embrace and invite closer to their brand.
Marketers must understand the difference of the 3 key types of media, paid, earned and owned. Media has gotten more complex. Learning how to integrate these 3 media types will increase business results.
Twitter lists enables you to organize people you like to follow so that you can better read, engage and even curate content you want to share with your following. Lists can help you keep track of potential clients, clients, partners and even competitors.
If you haven't heard about the latest live video streaming ...
Failing to plan is planning to fail. When it comes to anything in life or business, you get what you put into it. Although many smart marketers and business leaders know what they need to do to achieve real business results when it comes to marketing and integrating social media into their business, the truth is far too many are still searching for the easy button.
We attract what we are and what we put out into the world. When we let our mindset and thoughts shift from positive to negative it is eventually going to be the negativity that people see, feel and hear from us.
Change agents do not ignite transformational change by preaching, yelling & banging tables. Instead they must understand the people. They must understand where they are, why they are where they are and how they can emotionally motivate them to move the needle in the right direction.
Does the thought of jumping on a new live ...
Creating content marketing assets that people want to share with their communities, audiences, friends and colleagues is the icing on the social media and online marketing cake. When people share your content with their communities you are able to tap into the power of the OPC (other people's content and community).
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