• blog benefits for business

YOU are the Media! 10 Reasons You Need a Blog!


Thanks to digital marketing and social media, one single human being can have as much and often times more impact than a large Fortune 100 brand. Even some of the world's largest brands are turning to individual influencers, bloggers, podcasters, videographers and more to tap into their trust, credibility and community they have fostered.

YOU are the Media! 10 Reasons You Need a Blog!2017-02-08T00:33:42-05:00
  • event marketing roi social media networking tips

5 Tips to Maximize ROI at Events with Social Media and Networking


Increase value of time and money spent on trade shows and events with social media and in person networking. Take a listen to the 110th episode of the Social Zoom Factor podcast to hear my top 5 ways you can increase your event ROI with social media and networking, before, during and after the event.

5 Tips to Maximize ROI at Events with Social Media and Networking2017-02-08T00:33:42-05:00
  • teradata big data audience of one

Are You Using Big Data and Analytics to Speak to an Audience of ONE?


Are you speaking to an audience of one? Or are you creating blanket, overwhelming, confusing and "throw everything including the kitchen sink" customer experiences? Are you using your integrated online digital platform to truly connect with the human beings within your audience and online communities? Or are you getting so lost in the data, shiny objects, tools and gadgets that you are losing sight of why you are doing what you do in the first place?

Are You Using Big Data and Analytics to Speak to an Audience of ONE?2017-02-08T00:33:42-05:00
  • social media strategy plan

Social Media’s Impact on Corporate Identity and Influence Keynote Slide Deck


Stop the stupid social media marketing. It's not about you. It’s time to get out of your box and start collaborating with influencers and strategic partners, activate employees as brand evangelists and build an online integrated digital media platform that works when you are not working.

Social Media’s Impact on Corporate Identity and Influence Keynote Slide Deck2017-02-08T00:33:42-05:00
  • Twitter Strategies Advanced Social Media marketing World SMMW15

Advanced Twitter Strategies for Leads, Sales and Community #SMMW15 Slide Deck


I recently presented "Advanced Twitter Strategies to Build Community, Generate Leads and Increase Sales" at the Social Media Marketing World event in San Diego, CA. If you missed the event, no fear. You can access the recordings of all 100+ sessions via the Virtual Ticket. Buy Your Virtual Ticket Now.

Advanced Twitter Strategies for Leads, Sales and Community #SMMW15 Slide Deck2017-02-08T00:33:43-05:00
  • brand strategy plan

Brand Strategy in a Nutshell – 5 Reasons to Invest in Branding Your Business


Your brand is the foundation and one of the most important aspects of your business. Doesn’t matter if you are a solo entrepreneur, small business, large, super size, business to business, business to consumer or anything in between. You only have one chance to make a first, second and third brand impression.

Brand Strategy in a Nutshell – 5 Reasons to Invest in Branding Your Business2017-02-08T00:33:43-05:00
  • social business blind leading the blind

Be Careful Who You Follow and Trust with Your Business


It takes a lot to get me riled to the point of writing a blog post. I believe this is my second in history for The Marketing Nutz blog. The driver of this post is an Ask Gary Vee episode that I watched as late that told a story of a young kid in their early 20’s that told Gary they wanted to be a “Life Coach”.

Be Careful Who You Follow and Trust with Your Business2017-02-08T00:33:43-05:00
  • 25 Ways You're Killing Your Brand with Social Media and Digital Marketing

25 Ways Social Media is Killing Your Brand and You Don’t Know it!


Every smart marketer wants their brand to be relevant, memorable, inspiring and positive in the mind of their audience, ideal customer and online community. What many marketers don't know is that the little things they are doing online every day could be hurting their brand more than helping.

25 Ways Social Media is Killing Your Brand and You Don’t Know it!2017-02-08T00:33:43-05:00
  • adobe summit brand experience marketing cloud

Customer Experience is Your Brand – #AdobeSummit Inspirations Day 1


Combining art and science to create real-time, delightful brand experiences will inspire your customers and audience to fall in love with you and your brand.

Customer Experience is Your Brand – #AdobeSummit Inspirations Day 12017-02-08T00:33:43-05:00
  • google analytics tips social business blog results

10 Google Analytics Metrics to Zoom Your Social Media Marketing, Blog and Content


Would you like to better convert traffic to your blog or website to a real sale? Do you wish you knew more about your customer? Wish you knew what content is truly engaging your audience? How about the top traffic sources to your blog or website?

10 Google Analytics Metrics to Zoom Your Social Media Marketing, Blog and Content2017-02-08T00:33:46-05:00
  • content marketing curation strategy tips

Are You Creating, Curating or Regurgitating Content?


The challenge can be overwhelming for marketers to consistently create content that is fresh, relevant and provides real value to their audience, customers, and prospective customers.

Are You Creating, Curating or Regurgitating Content?2017-02-08T00:33:46-05:00
  • brand humanization social media agency

Talk Human to Me: 20 Tips to Humanize Your Brand Now


Your customers, employees, audience, partners and social media community are all human. They eat, sleep, breathe and talk like humans. Are you connecting to them as a human brand?

Talk Human to Me: 20 Tips to Humanize Your Brand Now2017-02-08T00:33:46-05:00
  • zoom your brand using twitter

Zoom Your Personal and Business Brand on Twitter with These 8 Tips


Would you like to take your brand to the next level by tapping into the power of Twitter but not sure where to start? This episode of the Social Zoom Factor podcast will help you quickly understand how you can begin to brand yourself and your company using Twitter.

Zoom Your Personal and Business Brand on Twitter with These 8 Tips2017-02-08T00:33:46-05:00
  • customer focused social media marketing results

10 Tips to Refocus on Your Customer


According to Google, the average consumer researches 10.4 sources before making a purchase decision? This includes researching content via the web, social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn as well as talking to trusted colleagues, friends and family.

10 Tips to Refocus on Your Customer2017-02-08T00:33:46-05:00
  • podcast tips social media 2015

Why I Chose Podcasting & What I Learned after 100 #SocialZoomFactor Episodes!


Take a listen to the 100th episode of the Social Zoom Factor podcast to learn how to use podcasting to ignite your communities, customer relationships, media platform and business.

Why I Chose Podcasting & What I Learned after 100 #SocialZoomFactor Episodes!2017-02-08T00:33:47-05:00
  • ceo social media tips

How Much Time Should You and Your CEO be on Twitter?


How much time should you, your CEO, CMO, CTO, CIO, and staff spend on social media? Are you more or less of an expert or qualified for whatever it is you do in business based on the amount of time you spend tweeting, on Facebook or posting photos to instagram?

How Much Time Should You and Your CEO be on Twitter?2017-02-08T00:33:47-05:00
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