• Top Social Media Posts in 2011

Top 20 @PamMktgNut Social Media Posts of 2011


Wow, what a great year 2011 was for the social ecosystem. It's amazing how much the understanding of what it takes to be a social businesses have evolved yet we still have so far to go. Anyone who knows me know I am a data junkie. The desire to measure impact and ROI runs deep in my bones. I can't avoid it. As I prepare for the new year ahead I am deep in analytics to understand what went right, what could have been better. There is so much to learn from analyzing how readers interact with and share our content.

Top 20 @PamMktgNut Social Media Posts of 20112017-02-08T00:35:07-05:00
  • humanizing social business

Walgreens Case Study – Humanizing Social Business


When was the last time a big national brand made you feel special via the social waves? Are we starting to lose the hope we once had in social media of humanizing brands? The hope of the brand coming out from behind the logo and showing they care and want to connect with real people? The possibility of them actually demonstrating their brand promise via social media versus just plaster the words on their Facebook page? Are some brands falling prey to traditional mass marketing methods that are simply masked with a coat of new paint in red and marked with a K+ and called social media? Are some fooling themselves into thinking they are engaging by leveraging only automated tweets, retweets, and direct messages?

Walgreens Case Study – Humanizing Social Business2017-02-08T00:35:08-05:00
  • social business slow down to speed up

Slow Down to Speed Up – 10 Tips for Social Business Success


Many businesses feel like they are the last to get online. They decide they want to "do social" and all of a sudden it becomes an emergency.Often times the CEO or other executive attends a one off social media training event such as a class for LinkedIn or Facebook and next thing you know all corporate business priorities are put on hold. Within days there is now only one priority and that is "doing social." Nobody really knows why other than that executive management said it's the priority.

Slow Down to Speed Up – 10 Tips for Social Business Success2017-02-08T00:35:08-05:00
  • coo wants klout retweets by lady gaga

COO Wants Klout & Retweets by Lady Gaga – Days of Our Social Biz


Social media is not a band-aid for a broken business. Focusing only on Twitter followers, Facebook likes and influence metrics is unlikely to help you meet your business goals. Integrating social media within the DNA of your business is the only route to success. Does it take more time? Yes. Does it take more work? Yes. Is the end result better? Hopefully yes.

COO Wants Klout & Retweets by Lady Gaga – Days of Our Social Biz2017-02-08T00:35:09-05:00
  • ceo wants klout days of our social biz

CEO Wants Klout – Social Biz Story Where You Direct!


We all know the story, the problems, the laughter, the tears, and even the drama of becoming a social business. Those that have attempted, are working toward or have succeeded know it's about much more than a tweet or a Facebook page. We must get in the head of our communities, audience, partners, and more. We must learn how we can best connect the dots of technology and conversation. It's both art and science. It's both communication and function. So we're kicking off a fun experiment. This is the first in a series of an interactive social business video series where you get to be the director! The interactive video series is titled "The Days of Our Social Biz!"

CEO Wants Klout – Social Biz Story Where You Direct!2017-02-08T00:35:09-05:00
  • klout social influence puppetry

Stop the Social Puppetry for Klout and Other Influence Metrics!


If you have been online Twitter or Facebook this week it would be hard to miss the chatter on Klout and their new algorithm. We are not social puppets. We must refuse to behave like puppets for any score. We are not defined as a human being by our Klout or any other score. What you do in the lives of others offline is what matters. Social media is simply a way for us to impact business and lives. It's how we use it and what we use it for that will determine our influence. Our influence in reality is not measured by +Ks, topic lists or other.

Stop the Social Puppetry for Klout and Other Influence Metrics!2017-02-08T00:35:09-05:00
  • entrepreneur success tips

Entrepreneur Success: 15 Tips to Zoom Business and Life


Approximately 80% of small businesses fail within the first year. How many of the people you know who have started a business have truly succeeded? How many of them put on a happy face yet are still at every networking meeting looking for business?

Entrepreneur Success: 15 Tips to Zoom Business and Life2017-02-08T00:35:10-05:00
  • social media influencer marketing

People Don’t Buy Things, They Join Things


Humans are creatures of habits. Often times our behaviors are predictable. Old habits are hard to break, good or bad. Why would we expect social media to be any different? Why should we expect that just because marketers can now connect with anyone across they world in a simple 140 character tweet that they will by default do it any different than the days of email spam, direct mail and traditional broadcast marketing advertising.

People Don’t Buy Things, They Join Things2017-02-08T00:35:10-05:00
  • social business signs of not being social

41 Signs You Are NOT a Social Business


We've all seen the begging pleas of the wanna be social business: -like me on Facebook -I need likes, come visit my page -I'll like you if you like me -let's take the conversation to Facebook -Many of us have at one time done them. The smart ones eventually stop such behavior. What these people are not getting is that I must have a reason to "like you." WHY should I like you? There are a million other pages also asking for my time and for me to like them. And take what conversation to Facebook? I am not having a conversation with you to begin with? Give me a reason to want to talk with you, please.

41 Signs You Are NOT a Social Business2019-03-19T22:33:27-04:00
  • facebook timeline cover photo

How to Enable Facebook Timeline NOW!


One of the many new features Facebook announced this week at F8 is the new Facebook timeline. Are you one who doesn't have it, but wish you did!? Here are a few easy steps to turn the timeline on.

How to Enable Facebook Timeline NOW!2017-02-08T00:35:10-05:00
  • twitter tweet zoom

Zoom Your Tweets in 7 Easy Steps!


You have sent a few tweets but just don't know what's wrong. Something isn't working. You don't feel the confidence you wish you had. You know the tools enough to be dangerous. However, getting a retweet that leads to actual engagement or relationship building is a different story.

Zoom Your Tweets in 7 Easy Steps!2017-02-08T00:35:10-05:00
  • social network marketing trickery

Open Message to New Social Networks & UNTHINK Unveiling


Dear new social network getting ready to launch, This message is to the new social network who has made, is making or will make plans to take over Facebook and the rest of the social media world as we know it. Every week there seems to be a new social network popping up. I am not saying new networks are bad. I love innovation. However, I will boldly state that their marketing and social network takeover strategies and messages are not working. A new social networking platform, UNTHINK was unveiled yesterday. It is yet another platform where the founders are claiming to be the Facebook killer, the best thing since sliced bread and Myspace.

Open Message to New Social Networks & UNTHINK Unveiling2017-02-08T00:35:10-05:00

50 Signs You’re Addicted to Social Media & Twitter


It's Saturday morning. You wake up out of the fog. You manage to open one eye and reach for the iPhone. You push the little round button so you can say good morning to your friends. Since the rest of the family is still asleep you think "hmmm... I'll just go into my office and send a few tweets, see what's circlin' on Google+ and upload the photos from the seminar this week to Facebook. Well, that was at 7:00 am. It's now 11:00 and you are still in your jammies with messy hair. Your significant other has made breakfast. The kids are watching cartoons & fighting and the house is a mess. The big plans of mowing the lawn, cleaning the garage and hittin' the gym all before noon are history. You would much prefer to stay in the safety and quiet of your little tweet heaven just for one more hour.

50 Signs You’re Addicted to Social Media & Twitter2017-02-08T00:35:11-05:00
  • social business zoom start

Are You Ready to Be a Social Business? 10 Tips for a Zoom Start!


There seems to be a mad rush to get on the social band wagon. Even though you and your business have been without Facebook, Twitter, a blog, LinkedIn or Google+ for your entire life and business history all of a sudden someone in your organization who has authority has decided you need to "get on social media," by next Friday. Whoooaaa horsey, slow down!

Are You Ready to Be a Social Business? 10 Tips for a Zoom Start!2017-02-08T00:35:11-05:00
  • social media integration

Twitter 101: 55 Tips to Get Retweeted on Twitter


Retweets, you have heard have them, you know what they are but you aren't gettin' them. For some reason you just can't seem to get the engagement you are seeking, desiring and yearning for in social media and Twitter. You may be new to Twitter and simply don't know what the heck you are doing, how to get a retweet or why the retweets even matter. Or are you a Twitter and social media veteran who just wants to boost your ego, increase your Klout score or simply show off for Grandpa this weekend how popular you are on the social waves?

Twitter 101: 55 Tips to Get Retweeted on Twitter2017-02-08T00:35:11-05:00
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